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we usually respond within the same day but in most cases straight away or within 30 minutes.

Who might benefit from our services? Take a look:

1. **Second Home Shoppers:** If you've bought a second home or investment property.

2. **Shared Ownership Stars:** Those who've ventured into shared ownership arrangements.

3. **Derelict Property Dreamers:** Looking to revive a fixer-upper or a run-down property.

4. **Probate Property Pursuers:** In the process of dealing with inherited properties.

5. **Property Developers:** Folks turning buildings into something new and exciting.

6. **Smart Investors:** Those making strategic moves in the property market.

7. **Entrepreneurial Minds:** Business-savvy individuals seizing property opportunities.

8. **Ltd Company Owners:** Businesses diving into the property world.


Who's not in the club? First-time buyers and those declaring a property as their main residence. If you're in the stamp duty "Higher Rate" club, we've got your back! 

People often ask us "Can't my solicitor handle the stamp duty?" Well, here's the thing: Your solicitor is great at making sure the house purchase is all legal and proper, but when it comes to stamp duty, they might not be the experts. Most solicitors want the Stamp Duty money upfront before finalising the house purchase. It's just the way things usually work.

Clients often find it frustrating to explain stamp duty laws, and many are not happy about the upfront fees and extensive paperwork some solicitors demand. Frankly, it's an area of the law that not all solicitors fully grasp.

For full transparency all authorised refunds go directly from HMRC to your nominated account. We only charge at the end once you've been paid FIRST.

We specialise in this one thing – Stamp Duty. Our super-smart team knows the ins and outs, and we focus all our energy on getting your case sorted fast. No need to worry about risks you can even chat with our existing clients to check us out. We've got you covered! 

Our superhero team boasts an impressive 90% success rate! We've got a track record of making things happen, ensuring your case is in the winning category. 

It depends on a number of factors, we have plenty of successful cases with non-UK residents, feel free to get in touch to see if we can help your case!

As long as the documents you provide are legitimate and your statement is honest its highly unlikely you will have any issues. We keep things straightforward and smooth.

Unfortunately, this is an area of work we don't do currently but please watch this space for further updates.

You can claim the money back, but here's the thing: HMRC doesn't provide online forms for it. Timing and specific legal details matter, depending on how your case fits into certain acts of parliament. It's a bit tricky to say the least...

No problem, Click HERE to see how much you may have paid.

Most clients feel a bit frustrated when trying to reach someone helpful on the phone. The team handling claims and applying the rules usually doesn't chat directly with the public. But worry not as we're here to bridge that gap and make things easier for you 

Payment goes directly into your nominated bank account directly from HMRC

Once you have been paid you will be invoiced by Elite Claims Ltd to make payment in our accounts.

Here's the deal – we don't ask for any money upfront, not even for a chat. When you get your refund, we collect only 25% as our fee. If, by any rare chance, things don't work out, there is no fees to pay whatsoever!

To jump on board, your property buy should be within the last 4 years, and you should've paid the higher rate of stamp duty. We'll chat about the specifics of your case to figure out the ins and outs of your claim. Every case is unique but nothing we cant handle.

Any more questions? get in touch, we are always ready to help